Awareness that Heals

How to Work through Anger without Creating Harm

How to Work through Anger Without Creating Harm - Episode 112

Episode 112 – There are many unique ways that we experience or express tightness due to anger, impatience, irritation, intolerance—or holding onto anger. It’s a mini-miracle whenever we can shift from being against what we don’t like to being supportive and passionate about what we need. We generally haven’t as a society found ways both in the outer world and the inner world to find a way to contain or slow down our resistant emotions like anger, frustration, accusations, and judgments, which has led to war, alienation, distrust, and an inability to communicate.  Read More . . .

Introspective Guides: How Anger Can Serve Us – Episode 82

Introspective Guides: How Anger Can Serve Us - Episode 82

Most of us view anger and resistant emotions as something that we want to avoid. The idea of being with our anger and having a relationship with it is not something we have normally been taught. Robert presents an alternative for caring for ourselves while we are challenged in this way. These steps are a guide to setting up the ideal conditions for us to be fulfilled in our individual lives and to contribute to the world by living in a proactive constructive way, rather than be weakened by being reactive.  Listen to this episode . . .

Moving from Being Angry Toward What You Really Need – Episode 68

Moving from Being Angry Toward What You Really Need - Episode 68

Robert continues his guidance in developing our capacity to move outside our conditioning and reactive emotions. Most of us behave based on how we were seen or unseen by our parents or by others in our society that we model. We often identify with the heroes that are athletes or actors in TV shows. Amplifying these skills to inquire who we aspire to be independent of our conditioning will allow us to question ourselves, listen to what the answers are, and find ways to respond.  Listen to this episode . . .

Pausing in Anger to Move Toward a State of Well-Being – Episode 67

Pausing in Anger to Move Toward a State of Well-Being - Episode 67

This week Robert and Dave go more deeply into the seven steps to transform anger. The podcast coincides with the final chapter of Robert’s book, Awareness that Heals. We all have loads of hypnosis or conditioning from our parents, our culture, our movies, and our friends that lead us in directions that make anger a divisive force, rather than one that can be directed in a way that serves everyone. This show is zeroing in on how to find a spaciousness inside us that can choose to guide us in our anger and resistant emotional reactions. Listen to this episode . . .

Transforming Anger & Resisting Emotions into Intimacy & Strength – Episode 66

Transforming Anger & Resisting Emotions into Intimacy & Strength - Episode 66

In the last episode, Robert and Dave focused primarily on containment. This week’s episode is focusing on giving some personal examples of containment and penetrating even further into transforming anger and resisting emotions into intimacy and strength. For most of us, feelings are central. Here, we are being guided and given options to how beneficial responses to our feelings can be vital to long-term happiness.  Listen to this episode . . .