Awareness that Heals

The Paradox of Opening to Challenging Feelings – Episode 99

The Paradox of Opening to Challenging Feelings - Episode 99

Asking yourself to discover what feelings are most difficult to unlock and access the wisdom that helps you the most may seem like a gloomy task. However, inquiring inwardly to pinpoint where you feel stuck, buried, or like you’re in quicksand allows you to see where you have an unmet need. Letting the exposure to these challenging emotions motivate you to deal with an area where part of you is struggling can naturally lead you to your dearest needs.  Read More . . .

How to Trust Wise Thoughts When You’re Suffering – Episode 93

How to Trust Wise Thoughts When You’re Suffering - Episode 93

In this episode, Robert and Dave discuss how to trust wise thoughts when you’re suffering. They emphasize the importance of not distancing or judging our feelings but rather accessing our inner wisdom to guide us. This involves being able to operate at two levels simultaneously: respecting our challenging feelings while finding a place inside of us that wants to care. By doing this, we can stay open to our feelings and allow them to guide us toward our most supportive thoughts. Read More . . .

Guiding Ourselves by Asking “What Does My Wisdom Suggest?”

Guiding Ourselves by Asking 'What Does My Wisdom Suggest' - ATH Blog

please take a moment to find some of your commonly felt feelings in our Introspective Guides that will help you identify 75 challenging feelings and 75 healing qualities/needs. This will help you be more specific in seeing that you’re feeling anxious, angry, irritated, helpless, sad, etc. Similarly, the specific qualities will help you narrow down whether you need respect, trust, communication, empathy, honesty, etc. It is a critical part of healing to be able to be specific. Read More . . .

Introspective Guides: Relating to the Dangers in Our World Today – Episode 83

Introspective Guides: Relating to the Dangers in Our World Today - Episode 83

Here we are, listening to the news and hearing about elections, global warming, the dangers of nuclear war, the invasion of Ukraine, and we are feeling freaked out. Wherever you are on the political spectrum you are bound to be dealing with some level of anxiety connected to the direction our world and country are going. Robert and Dave assure us this is perfectly normal, and in fact, a good sign you want to be engaged and paying attention. Listen to this episode . . .