Awareness that Heals

How Einstein Can Help You Care For Your Feelings

How Einstein Can Help You Care For Your Feelings - ATH Blog

How do you cope with difficult feelings? When you try to make yourself feel better, do you try to force yourself to change your feelings by demanding they obey what you think or want to feel? How has giving yourself a hard time when you’re feeling too anxious, angry, depressed, empty, or confused worked out for you so far? I ask this with a smile on my face and hope it touches you in that place that sees the injuries that it has created. Read More . . .

How Confusion is often a Sign of Depth and Potential for Fulfillment

How Confusion Can Be a Sign of Depth and Potential for Fulfillment - ATH Blog

Confusion is so often thought to be a negative feeling, one that is hard to tolerate. In our culture, it’s a feeling we are most frequently averse towards. Today, let’s take a look at confusion as a feeling and how we can support ourselves in changing our attitude, response, and understanding of it. We can also learn how to make it an ally in our life, rather than simply viewing it as a disturbance.  Read More . . .

Introspective Guides: Relating to the Dangers in Our World Today – Episode 83

Introspective Guides: Relating to the Dangers in Our World Today - Episode 83

Here we are, listening to the news and hearing about elections, global warming, the dangers of nuclear war, the invasion of Ukraine, and we are feeling freaked out. Wherever you are on the political spectrum you are bound to be dealing with some level of anxiety connected to the direction our world and country are going. Robert and Dave assure us this is perfectly normal, and in fact, a good sign you want to be engaged and paying attention. Listen to this episode . . .

Caring for Ourselves in Crucial Times – Episode 81

Caring for Ourselves in Crucial Times - Episode 81

This week Robert concludes the telling of his journey through the hardest 10 years of his life as he navigated finding balance both emotionally and chemically after his kidney transplant. For many years he could not feel the joys of life. He had to dig deep to further develop his capacity to use inquiry, will, and focus on the intention to find what thoughts would be possible and helpful. Listen to this episode . . .

Introspective Guides: Accessing Guidance In Times of Need- Episode 76

Accessing Guidance in Times of Need - Episode 76

At times it is difficult to barely tolerate our experience when we are in situations or emotions that are challenging, which can trigger us to go into fight or flight mode. Join Robert and Dave as they explore common real-life situations that can be difficult and how to take better care of ourselves in the moment or close to it. Money or personal insecurity, anxiety about the state of the world, or health issues are all topics covered in the podcast.  Listen to this episode . . .

The Unintended Consequences of Mislabeling Our Thoughts and Emotions

The Unintended Consequences of Mislabeling Our Thoughts and Emotions - ATH Blog

One of the greatest contributions we can make in our lives (to both the world and to ourselves) is to stay dedicated and loyal to the truth in what we think and say. Although that sounds quite simple, it requires a good deal of contemplation to really have a chance of it becoming an art form in each of our lives. The world would be a different place to live in if we each took this to heart.” Read More . . .

Identifying Your Ways of Being With Resistant Emotions & Responding from Wisdom – Episode 69

Identifying Your Ways of Being With Resistant Emotions & Responding from Wisdom - Episode 69

It is a pleasure to have you join us for this final part of the series centered around Robert’s book, Awareness that Heals. Here we will continue to develop a greater capacity to have a more healing response to emotions rather than becoming trapped in conditioned reactions that each of us has. Most of us get confused and think we are the imprint of our conditioning from the way our parents raised us, our siblings, our society, our movies, and our sports. If we can find our awareness beyond this, we have the potential to be free.  Listen to this episode . . .

How to Greet Difficult Emotions with Support and Wisdom – Episode 56

Greeting Difficult Emotions with Support and Wisdom - Episode 56

Accepting our emotions with an astute mind can be a key component to being kinder to ourselves.  Rather than rejecting our feelings and internally shaming ourselves for having them, we can make an important pivot to welcome them with courage and curiosity. They have something to teach us. Emotions can be muddled and hard to unpack, but within them sits the possibility of accessing our deepest wisdom. This intelligence will lead us to qualities that we can embrace to care for ourselves.  Listen to this episode . . .