Awareness that Heals

How Einstein Can Help You Care For Your Feelings

How Einstein Can Help You Care For Your Feelings - ATH Blog

How do you cope with difficult feelings? When you try to make yourself feel better, do you try to force yourself to change your feelings by demanding they obey what you think or want to feel? How has giving yourself a hard time when you’re feeling too anxious, angry, depressed, empty, or confused worked out for you so far? I ask this with a smile on my face and hope it touches you in that place that sees the injuries that it has created. Read More . . .

How Confusion is often a Sign of Depth and Potential for Fulfillment

How Confusion Can Be a Sign of Depth and Potential for Fulfillment - ATH Blog

Confusion is so often thought to be a negative feeling, one that is hard to tolerate. In our culture, it’s a feeling we are most frequently averse towards. Today, let’s take a look at confusion as a feeling and how we can support ourselves in changing our attitude, response, and understanding of it. We can also learn how to make it an ally in our life, rather than simply viewing it as a disturbance.  Read More . . .

How can you make insecurity your friend?

How to Make Insecurity Your Friend - ATH Blog

Almost all of us have dealt with insecurity in some way. Yet, more often than not, we consider insecurity undesirable or embarrassing and, at times, even shameful. I’ve noticed that insecurities don’t make their way out into the therapy room until much later. Insecurity is so disliked, and we often subject ourselves to self-criticism wittingly or unwittingly that it lies deep in the cellar of our mind (the subconscious). But what if we try to look at insecurity in a different light? Maybe even try to befriend it?   Read More . . .

Introspective Guides: Accessing Guidance In Times of Need- Episode 76

Accessing Guidance in Times of Need - Episode 76

At times it is difficult to barely tolerate our experience when we are in situations or emotions that are challenging, which can trigger us to go into fight or flight mode. Join Robert and Dave as they explore common real-life situations that can be difficult and how to take better care of ourselves in the moment or close to it. Money or personal insecurity, anxiety about the state of the world, or health issues are all topics covered in the podcast.  Listen to this episode . . .

The Unintended Consequences of Mislabeling Our Thoughts and Emotions

The Unintended Consequences of Mislabeling Our Thoughts and Emotions - ATH Blog

One of the greatest contributions we can make in our lives (to both the world and to ourselves) is to stay dedicated and loyal to the truth in what we think and say. Although that sounds quite simple, it requires a good deal of contemplation to really have a chance of it becoming an art form in each of our lives. The world would be a different place to live in if we each took this to heart.” Read More . . .

Introspective Guides 101 – Episode 70

Introspective Guides 101 - Episode 70

Welcome to the start of a new series of The Awareness that Heals that will be working directly with The Introspective Guides for “Challenging Feelings & Emotions,” as well as “Essential Needs & Qualities.” Both can be downloaded for free on our website These guides will help identify a list of the most common needs that we all have, are often unaware of, or unable to articulate. They will also assist you in becoming more aware of challenging emotions, which can then become a lucid guide to your core needs by learning to ask what is missing or most needed.  Listen to this episode . . .

How Challenging Feelings Can be a Guidepost to Our Needs

How Challenging Feelings Can be a Guidepost to Our Needs - ATH Blog

Often, it’s quite hard to tolerate or accept our most troublesome feelings. That’s why we use our capacity to seethat these feelings are the deepest source of our suffering. However, our negative reactions to these difficult feelings are what causes the more sustaining pain and suffering than the original feelings themselves, although that’s rarely obvious to any of us. This requires looking more deeply at ourselves and asking, “How do I feel about this deepest suffering?” Read More . . .

Transforming Anger & Resisting Emotions into Intimacy & Strength – Episode 66

Transforming Anger & Resisting Emotions into Intimacy & Strength - Episode 66

In the last episode, Robert and Dave focused primarily on containment. This week’s episode is focusing on giving some personal examples of containment and penetrating even further into transforming anger and resisting emotions into intimacy and strength. For most of us, feelings are central. Here, we are being guided and given options to how beneficial responses to our feelings can be vital to long-term happiness.  Listen to this episode . . .

Increase Your Quality of Life One Awareness at a Time – Episode 64

Increase Your Quality of Life One Awareness at a Time - Episode 64

In this episode, Robert and Dave wrap up their focus on the key practices. They continue to illuminate the link between our most challenging feelings, the situations we face each day, and how to identify the needs to guide us toward healing and wellbeing. It is important not to get this path confused with being a seeker of perfection. That seeker is really a form of rejection, rather than genuinely making our best efforts in a natural way. We are looking to hold two ideas at the same time.  Listen to this episode . . .