Awareness that Heals

How can you make insecurity your friend?

How to Make Insecurity Your Friend - ATH Blog

Almost all of us have dealt with insecurity in some way. Yet, more often than not, we consider insecurity undesirable or embarrassing and, at times, even shameful. I’ve noticed that insecurities don’t make their way out into the therapy room until much later. Insecurity is so disliked, and we often subject ourselves to self-criticism wittingly or unwittingly that it lies deep in the cellar of our mind (the subconscious). But what if we try to look at insecurity in a different light? Maybe even try to befriend it?   Read More . . .

Introspective Guides: Learning How To Make Insecurity Your Friend – Episode 75

Introspective Guides: Reeling Back After Being Triggered by Insecurity - Episode 75

Insecurity is a trigger that signals our defenses to take action. It causes one to veer into criticism, withdraw, and beyond. Then, for most of us, a judgment comes either against ourselves or is deflected outward. Using the Introspective Guides, Robert provides grounding for us to stay with these feelings, give them their due, breathe into them and begin to understand them. This space gives us a key to how to deal with these challenging emotions and be supportive of them.  Listen to this episode . . .

Introspective Guides: Dealing with Vulnerable Feelings & Our Defenses Against Them – Episode 74

Introspective Guides: Dealing with Vulnerable Feelings & Our Defenses Against Them - Episode 74

Today, Dave shares his shyness and vulnerability around being uncomfortable with how tall he was growing up. His defense around this sprouted in the form of the excessive need to please, often at the expense of himself. This action robs one of being mutual. This episode exposes the need and importance of being able to share our insecurity and humanness. Then have others take care of you as much as you take care of them. Listen to this episode . . .

Introspective Guides: Creating a Positive Relationship to Insecurity – Episode 73

Introspective Guides: Creating a Positive Relationship to Insecurity - Episode 73

We all have conditioning, whether we recognize it or not. Layers upon layers of influence from our parents, friends, and culture. We are generally led in the direction where the biggest variable is personal achievement, financial security and family loyalty, and rarely has us focus on some kind of greater interconnectedness to the world. It is so important that our identities grow beyond our immediate circles and recognize that we all need to be responsible because our planet is in jeopardy.  Listen to this episode . . .