Awareness that Heals

Introspective Guides: Relating to the Dangers in Our World Today – Episode 83

Introspective Guides: Relating to the Dangers in Our World Today - Episode 83

Here we are, listening to the news and hearing about elections, global warming, the dangers of nuclear war, the invasion of Ukraine, and we are feeling freaked out. Wherever you are on the political spectrum you are bound to be dealing with some level of anxiety connected to the direction our world and country are going. Robert and Dave assure us this is perfectly normal, and in fact, a good sign you want to be engaged and paying attention. Listen to this episode . . .

Introspective Guides: How Anger Can Serve Us – Episode 82

Introspective Guides: How Anger Can Serve Us - Episode 82

Most of us view anger and resistant emotions as something that we want to avoid. The idea of being with our anger and having a relationship with it is not something we have normally been taught. Robert presents an alternative for caring for ourselves while we are challenged in this way. These steps are a guide to setting up the ideal conditions for us to be fulfilled in our individual lives and to contribute to the world by living in a proactive constructive way, rather than be weakened by being reactive.  Listen to this episode . . .

Caring for Ourselves in Crucial Times – Episode 81

Caring for Ourselves in Crucial Times - Episode 81

This week Robert concludes the telling of his journey through the hardest 10 years of his life as he navigated finding balance both emotionally and chemically after his kidney transplant. For many years he could not feel the joys of life. He had to dig deep to further develop his capacity to use inquiry, will, and focus on the intention to find what thoughts would be possible and helpful. Listen to this episode . . .

Developing a Healthy Duality – Episode 80

Developing a Healthy Duality - Episode 80

Robert continues with his story from last week about facing the biggest challenge of his life. He spent 10 years experimenting with medicine to find equilibrium after a kidney transplant. Join him and Dave as he shares the stories and the lessons he has learned with the hope that his journey will help you, the listener, navigate from your challenges into being a true ally for yourself and not compound the suffering with self-rejection. These difficulties are universal, whether they are recognized or not.  Listen to this episode . . .

Developing a Wise Friendly Mind When It Matters Most – Episode 79

Developing a Wise Friendly Mind When It Matters Most - Episode 79

Robert shares his journey, with Dave by his side, as he learned to coexist with the deep discomfort, pain, and imbalance of his kidney transplant medication. Feeling good was inaccessible for 10 years. Through this path, he developed a deepening of his practice inquiry by asking questions of what was truly possible given his state of exhaustion from sleep deprivation, which was due to an unusual reaction to the transplant medication. Following the inquiry, he received guidance that led him to focus on what was truly possible.  Listen to this episode . . .

Introspective Guides: Accessing Guidance In Times of Need- Episode 76

Accessing Guidance in Times of Need - Episode 76

At times it is difficult to barely tolerate our experience when we are in situations or emotions that are challenging, which can trigger us to go into fight or flight mode. Join Robert and Dave as they explore common real-life situations that can be difficult and how to take better care of ourselves in the moment or close to it. Money or personal insecurity, anxiety about the state of the world, or health issues are all topics covered in the podcast.  Listen to this episode . . .