Awareness that Heals

Six Steps to Find Relief from Resistant Emotions

Six Steps to Find Relief from Resistant Emotions - Episode 113

Episode 113 – It can be a lifelong journey to alleviate suffering that stems from anger and aggression. This transformative process can guide you from discontent toward your deepest passions and provides an approach to managing emotions that lead to suffering. The accompanying guided meditation encourages a pause to foster awareness of anger and its resistant emotions, which helps prevent you from succumbing to reactive aggression. Read More . . .

Introspective Guides: How Anger Can Serve Us – Episode 82

Introspective Guides: How Anger Can Serve Us - Episode 82

Most of us view anger and resistant emotions as something that we want to avoid. The idea of being with our anger and having a relationship with it is not something we have normally been taught. Robert presents an alternative for caring for ourselves while we are challenged in this way. These steps are a guide to setting up the ideal conditions for us to be fulfilled in our individual lives and to contribute to the world by living in a proactive constructive way, rather than be weakened by being reactive.  Listen to this episode . . .