Awareness that Heals

Developing Humility and Awareness to Recognize Your Greatest Challenges

Developing Humility and Awareness to Recognize Your Greatest Challenges - ATH Blog

When you accept what you’re feeling and learn to identify your feelings (rather than rejecting or ignoring them), they can actually become guideposts to show you what you need. Today, let’s talk more about how developing a sense of humility and an awareness of your negative feelings can help you expand your quality of life. Look closely at your inner life, primarily focusing on where you have repeated suffering. Is it easy or hard for you to identify your emotional state? Do your best to identify it without judgment. Read More . . .

Discovering Trust and Support When You’re Anxious

Discovering Trust and Support When You're Anxious - Episode 118

Episode 118 – As we continue to discover ways to support ourselves during periods of anxiety, it is essential to remember the simple but elusive step of being aware of where you are, coupled with the desire to care for yourself, is a core foundation for self-compassion. The next level in the elevator metaphor is nurturing tolerance and kindness toward our anxiety. Whether or not we reach a bearable level of tolerance, maintaining the aspiration to evolve is essential for continual growth.  Read More . . .

How to Respond to Self-Rejection in a Healing Manner – Episode 97

How to Respond to Self-Rejection in a Healing Manner - Episode 97

The focus of this episode is on the importance of recognizing challenging emotions and responding to them in a healing manner. Robert encourages listeners to value and care for themselves during these times and offers strategies such as self-acceptance, informal prayer, and identifying supportive thoughts. Guided meditation is also recommended as a helpful tool for effectively responding to personal challenges. Read More . . .

How to Discover and Overcome Self-Rejection – Episode 96

Episode 96 - How to Discover and Overcome Self-Rejection

Today, we are going to discover an easy way to see self-rejection. Normally, the most subtle and often unconscious reactions can become layered within other challenging feelings. Think for a moment, of all your difficult feelings. Which one do you like the least? Wouldn’t it be beneficial to learn how to discover and overcome self-rejection and to be guided to care for yourself during the times these feelings arise?  Read More . . .