Awareness that Heals

Finding a Place in Your Heart to Move Toward Acceptance

Finding a Place in Your Heart to Move Toward Acceptance - Episode 119

Episode 119 – The journey of focusing on emerging challenging emotions begins with the realization that you are the observer, which helps to bring immense freedom. Instead of being consumed by anxiety, you can observe it—an experience that helps lead to a deep recognition of the need to care for yourself. This transformative process opens the door to qualities, actions, and thoughts that enhance the quality of your life.  Read More . . .

How to Develop Self-Caring & Wisdom When Dealing With Fear

How to Develop Self-Caring & Wisdom When Dealing With Fear - ATH Blog

“Would you try to feel worse than you already do?” I ask this (seemingly) absurd question whenever a friend, a client, or even I am experiencing and feeling deep suffering. I ask them this question to help them understand their current attitude about their suffering — and that there’s potential for them to learn and emphasize a friendlier, more self-compassionate dialogue with their negative feelings. Read More . . .

Expand Your Ability to Care for Yourself through Self-Compassion – Episode 95

Expand Your Ability to Care for Yourself through Self-Compassion - Episode 95

On this week’s episode of Awareness that Heals, we will look at how to best deal with the challenging emotions that show up most frequently and also investigate our attitude toward those feelings. The goal is for you to expand your ability to care for yourself through self-compassion. There are two key aspects to be aware of. The first is becoming aware of the hard feeling or challenge that you experience most. The second is the self-judgment that arises in the form of feeling inadequate.  Read More . . .

How Confusion is often a Sign of Depth and Potential for Fulfillment

How Confusion Can Be a Sign of Depth and Potential for Fulfillment - ATH Blog

Confusion is so often thought to be a negative feeling, one that is hard to tolerate. In our culture, it’s a feeling we are most frequently averse towards. Today, let’s take a look at confusion as a feeling and how we can support ourselves in changing our attitude, response, and understanding of it. We can also learn how to make it an ally in our life, rather than simply viewing it as a disturbance.  Read More . . .

Caring for Ourselves in Crucial Times – Episode 81

Caring for Ourselves in Crucial Times - Episode 81

This week Robert concludes the telling of his journey through the hardest 10 years of his life as he navigated finding balance both emotionally and chemically after his kidney transplant. For many years he could not feel the joys of life. He had to dig deep to further develop his capacity to use inquiry, will, and focus on the intention to find what thoughts would be possible and helpful. Listen to this episode . . .

You Can’t Always Get What You Want, but if You Try, Sometimes, You Get What You Need – Episode 60

You Can't Always Get What You Want - Episode 60

This week Robert continues to delve deeply into using life’s challenges as a springboard to living a more authentic and joyful life. It is a normal human reaction to blame others or wish they were different, but wishing someone was different can only get you so far. If we suppress our most difficult feelings or act them out, we are in a kind of compulsive repeating of wounded history.  Listen to this episode . . .