Awareness that Heals

The Benefits of Welcoming Anxiety

The Benefits of Welcoming Anxiety - Episode 122

Episode 122 – In part three of caring for anxiety, we continue to emphasize being aware of our anxiety, recognizing its presence, and responding with compassion. This practice is a subtle but vital skill that supports us as we care for ourselves. By being mindful of our thoughts, especially in the context of anxiety, we can observe whether these thoughts are supportive or critical, allowing us to shift toward more caring and welcoming thoughts.  Read More . . .

Embrace Your Journey Toward Self-Compassion

Embrace Your Journey Toward Self-Compassion - Episode 116

Episode 116 – In the two prior episodes, we’ve explored practical tools to help address anxiety. The initial steps helped you become aware of your anxiety and care for it, while the subsequent step has you move into developing tolerance, kindness, and a welcoming attitude toward anxiety itself. While this may seem counterintuitive, the aim is to view anxiety as having the potential to awaken self-compassion. If you can apply this to your life, you will begin to free yourself from being dominated by anxiety and move up one more floor on the elevator metaphor.  Read More . . .

Expand Your Ability to Care for Yourself through Self-Compassion – Episode 95

Expand Your Ability to Care for Yourself through Self-Compassion - Episode 95

On this week’s episode of Awareness that Heals, we will look at how to best deal with the challenging emotions that show up most frequently and also investigate our attitude toward those feelings. The goal is for you to expand your ability to care for yourself through self-compassion. There are two key aspects to be aware of. The first is becoming aware of the hard feeling or challenge that you experience most. The second is the self-judgment that arises in the form of feeling inadequate.  Read More . . .

Developing Self-Compassion with Patience – Episode 21

Developing-Self Compassion with Patience - Episode-21

Host Robert Strock discusses the continuing process of developing self-compassion. Difficult emotions elicit many predictable “normal” forms of self-rejection, such as withdrawing, anger, or fixing. However, normal doesn’t mean healthy. We can learn to accept challenging feelings as part of our human experience while learning to stop patterns of self-rejection. Listen to this episode . . .