Awareness that Heals

How to Gracefully Ask For Help in Times of Need

How to Gracefully Ask For Help in Times of Need - ATH Blog

Almost half the people I’ve met in my life, whether as a therapist, family, or friend, have great difficulty asking for help. You might be similar to them when it comes to seeking help, or you may be good at asking for help when you need it. Still, I would venture that there are certain areas in your life where it’s harder for you to recognize that you need help and ask for it. Fear of rejection, distrust, a false self-image of self-sufficiency, and inadequacy are some reasons we shy away from asking for help.  Read More . . .

Introspective Guides: How Anger Can Serve Us – Episode 82

Introspective Guides: How Anger Can Serve Us - Episode 82

Most of us view anger and resistant emotions as something that we want to avoid. The idea of being with our anger and having a relationship with it is not something we have normally been taught. Robert presents an alternative for caring for ourselves while we are challenged in this way. These steps are a guide to setting up the ideal conditions for us to be fulfilled in our individual lives and to contribute to the world by living in a proactive constructive way, rather than be weakened by being reactive.  Listen to this episode . . .

How Can Our Best Realistic Effort Help Us Connect With Ourselves and Others?

How Can Our Best Realistic Effort Help Us Connect With Ourselves and Others - ATH Blog

When we say to others (or even ourselves), “I did my best.” Do we really, truly, in our hearts believe that? Even though you may know that your best differs every day for different reasons, you might unwittingly demand that you do better than your best efforts. When we think of our best, we should also try and consider that it means our best realistic effort (BRE). BRE means that you’re doing the best you can and are doing it in a flowing focused effort.  Read More . . .

Introspective Guides: When Anxiety Arises – Episode 71

Introspective Guides: When Anxiety Arises - Episode 71

n this episode, Robert and Dave discuss the experience of anxiety that is prominent for so many and highlight what to do when you are experiencing it. Many people’s initial reaction is to distract and run in the other direction, but suppressing anxiety will only make it grow. When anxiety arises, take some time without trying to change it. Let anxiety breathe so you can increase your acceptance and awareness. It is important to dignify the human experience. Listen to this episode . . .