Awareness that Heals

Using Fear as a Catalyst for Building Courage and or Safety

Using Fear as a Catalyst for Building Courage and or Safety - ATH Blog

Fear like all emotions gives the false impression that it is representative of a true perspective. They pose as the truth. This is so important for all of us to see as clearly as possible as our emotions have hypnotic effects that all too frequently puts us under their spell. If we can look at our past experience and see this it gives us a chance to do some reality testing to see that the amount of times that our fears indicate realistic assessments of the danger we are facing is minimal at the least. Read More . . .

Introspective Guides: Dealing with Vulnerable Feelings & Our Defenses Against Them – Episode 74

Introspective Guides: Dealing with Vulnerable Feelings & Our Defenses Against Them - Episode 74

Today, Dave shares his shyness and vulnerability around being uncomfortable with how tall he was growing up. His defense around this sprouted in the form of the excessive need to please, often at the expense of himself. This action robs one of being mutual. This episode exposes the need and importance of being able to share our insecurity and humanness. Then have others take care of you as much as you take care of them. Listen to this episode . . .