Awareness that Heals

How to Trust Wise Thoughts When You’re Suffering – Episode 93

How to Trust Wise Thoughts When You’re Suffering - Episode 93

In this episode, Robert and Dave discuss how to trust wise thoughts when you’re suffering. They emphasize the importance of not distancing or judging our feelings but rather accessing our inner wisdom to guide us. This involves being able to operate at two levels simultaneously: respecting our challenging feelings while finding a place inside of us that wants to care. By doing this, we can stay open to our feelings and allow them to guide us toward our most supportive thoughts. Read More . . .

Developing a Wise Friendly Mind When It Matters Most – Episode 79

Developing a Wise Friendly Mind When It Matters Most - Episode 79

Robert shares his journey, with Dave by his side, as he learned to coexist with the deep discomfort, pain, and imbalance of his kidney transplant medication. Feeling good was inaccessible for 10 years. Through this path, he developed a deepening of his practice inquiry by asking questions of what was truly possible given his state of exhaustion from sleep deprivation, which was due to an unusual reaction to the transplant medication. Following the inquiry, he received guidance that led him to focus on what was truly possible.  Listen to this episode . . .