Awareness that Heals

How to Work through Anger without Creating Harm

How to Work through Anger Without Creating Harm - Episode 112

Episode 112 – There are many unique ways that we experience or express tightness due to anger, impatience, irritation, intolerance—or holding onto anger. It’s a mini-miracle whenever we can shift from being against what we don’t like to being supportive and passionate about what we need. We generally haven’t as a society found ways both in the outer world and the inner world to find a way to contain or slow down our resistant emotions like anger, frustration, accusations, and judgments, which has led to war, alienation, distrust, and an inability to communicate.  Read More . . .

Awareness of Aggressive Feelings Can Lead to Inner Peace

Awareness of Aggressive Feelings Can Lead to Inner Peace - Episode 111

Episode 111 – We explore how to become aware of aggressive feelings while finding alternative paths toward a more fulfilling and inspiring life. You will find aids to express yourself without causing unnecessary harm while encouraging you to see the unmet needs that made you angry in the first place. The journey begins with awareness of your aggression, encompassing emotions like frustration, impatience, irritability, and contraction—any form of uptightness.  Read More . . .

How to Use Challenging Feelings to Discover Core Needs

How to Use Challenging Feelings to Discover Core Needs - Episode 110

Episode 110 – You’ll discover how to identify your core feelings and use them as a key to access your deepest needs. Simultaneously, it’s crucial to develop the capacity for self-care and self-awareness, guiding you toward your heart and intuitive wisdom, learning how to stay connected with yourself, and gaining a sense of the direction you need to pursue. Comprehending your feelings and needs marks the initial stage; the subsequent step entails engaging your mind and heart, employing both actions and contemplation.  Read More . . .

How to Access Courage and Safety through Fear – Episode 109

How to Access Courage and Safety through Fear - Episode 109

It’s an introspective journey, learning how to recognize and accept fear while accessing courage and safety through qualities such as tenderness, kindness, acceptance, and tolerance. Pay close attention to your tone of voice as you acknowledge fear and connect it with your yearning for courage in your mind and heart. Guide yourself toward a compassionate tone that acknowledges fear as perfectly natural.  Read More . . .

The Vital Connection between Feelings and Needs – Episode 108

The Vital Connection between Feelings and Needs - Episode 108

When we understand the vital connection between feelings and needs, we develop a  deep understanding that can enable us to take loving care of our hearts and those around us. This approach is one of the fundamental and most profound methods we can give to ourselves. The more deeply you experience your feelings, the closer you will be shown how to discover clues to what you need. Allow yourself to investigate deeply, realizing that challenging feelings are not permanently in control; you will learn how to make it the starting point and a catalyst for you to recognize how to take care of your needs. It’s an act of self-love. Read More . . .

Connect Challenging Emotions with Core Needs – Episode 107

Connect Challenging Emotions with Core Needs to Build Self-Worth - Episode 107

This episode delves into the significance of embracing and understanding feelings of inadequacy. A fundamental aspect of being human is that virtually all of us experience moments of inadequacy, whether we recognize them or not. You will be encouraged to identify and explore your feelings of inadequacy and learn how to connect them with your underlying needs.  Read More . . .

Listening to Frustration to Discover and Care for Your Needs – Episode 106

Listening to Frustration to Discover and Care for Your Needs - Episode 106

This episode offers valuable insights into how to deal with challenging emotions, with particular emphasis on frustration, and the importance of self-care and self-awareness. Since this is about your challenges you can substitute your own emotion, discover your needs, and also see how being sensitive with your tone of voice will assist you to fulfill your needs. When you are caught up in frustration, simply acknowledge it.  Read More . . .

Change Your Quality of Life With Tone of Voice Awareness – Episode 105

Change Your Quality of Life With Tone of Voice Awareness - Episode 105

In this guided meditation, we explore the challenging emotions of condescension and arrogance. While these emotions may not necessarily pertain to your current state, they are used as examples to help you become more attuned to your own difficult emotions,  your responses to them, and how you can best discover and tend to your emotional needs. The central focus lies in cultivating awareness of these challenging emotions, developing tolerance, and acceptance, and uncovering pathways toward greater ease, resolution, and self-care. 

How to Use Tone of Voice to Enhance Your Well-being – Episode 104

How to Use Tone of Voice to Enhance Your Well-being - Episode 104

In this guided meditation, we will use specific emotions to directly witness your tone of voice. In doing so, you can begin to guide yourself to the best parts of yourself as well as those of others. We will explore the emotions of intolerance, impatience, and annoyance. So, if your emotions are different, simply substitute your own emotions. Recognize your tone of voice and whether it is annoyance or irritation, timidity or insecurity.  Read More . . .

Embrace Your Challenging Emotions through Keen Inquiry – Episode 103

Embrace Your Challenging Emotions through Keen Inquiry - Episode 103

In this episode, we learn to use inquiry to ask questions designed to nurture one’s heart. These questions may include: “How can I care for myself?” “How can I support myself when I’m feeling intense emotions?” When you thoroughly explore the question, you can access your capacity to observe it transparently, without negativity, simply witnessing it as a challenging emotion. Learning how to support yourself when you’re in such a difficult emotion is both subtle and powerful. Read More . . .