Awareness that Heals

Opinion: It’s Time To End The Colonial Mindset In Global Health

Abraar KaranThis is a great article with a long-term world perspective. How long will it take for America to see that it has built its brilliance on the backs of the American Indians and slaves? Unfortunately, this is how it’s been throughout history. This beginning insight is, for some, the inspiration to commit to a life of balancing justice for the misdeeds of the past and the horrible inequities of the present.

True responders like the International Medical Corps and Doctors Without Borders are great examples as well as Acumen, The Buckminster Fuller Institute and the many Microfinance Groups over the last several decades. None of these groups are full of themselves and what makes them heroic is that they are doing what they feel comes natural as a caring human being without looking for credit.

Serving those who have been taken advantage of, both present and past, is an honor, a responsibility and a joy for those that are able enough to contribute. If you are looking for ways to contribute on any level please be in touch. Thanks.

Read the Article . . .

Photo Caption: On a trip to India, Abraar Karan (second from right) interviews a local woman to talk about the challenges of cataracts. (Daniel Carvalho) (NPR)